Tag: PlayBook Angry Birds
Overview :
free Angry Birds For Blackberry Playbook games
Ok, ok, so maybe it isn’t an app you can download. Although, it is way better than that Angry Birds BBM joke we saw a few months back. Someone has taken the original Angry Birds game and ported it into Adobe Flash. If you have been following the BlackBerry PlayBook, you’ll know that it runs Adobe Flash 10.2 and the webkit browser executes it near flawlessly. Thus, as shown in the video you can finally quench your thirst (just a little bit) for Angry Birds on a BlackBerry device. Hopefully we’ll see Rovio release an official Angry Birds game once RIM releases the PlayBook’s NDK.
If you’re browsing on a PlayBook, or just want to play Angry Birds from your computer, check it out here or here.