Tag: PlayBook Logo Game
Overview :
The Logo Game v2.0 for playbook os2.0.1+
File Size: 23589 KB
Required Device Software:
Tablet: 2.0.1 or higher
Did you know that on an average, we see nearly 3000 brands a day? That’s almost 3 brands per minute!! Whether you’re walking down a busy street in New York or Mumbai, there are brands like Coca Cola, KFC and BMW competing for your attention at almost every turn! But how many of those brand logos do you actually remember? Play The Logo Game and you’ll know!
With 8 levels and close to 300 top brands, this logo quiz promises hours of fun! The more logos you guess, the more levels you unlock and the faster you do that, the more points you gain! And if you find yourself scratching your head and wondering what that logo is, we’ve got some interesting lifelines for you!
Hints: Get a few logos right and we’ll reward you with hint points.
Ask a friend: Get your friends on Facebook and Twitter to help you solve that toughie!
Resolve: And if you still can’t guess that logo, we’ll give you the answer in return for a few hint points! Or you could just buy more hint points. Fair enough?
Oh and BTW, when you login with Facebook, you could also see how you fare against your Facebook friends. Nothing like some friendly competition to increase the fun factor, right?
So, ready to check your brand quotient? Grab The Logo Game for your BlackBerry® PlayBook™ now and get crackin’ on those logos!