Tag: PlayBook TwitchArcade
Overview :
TwitchArcade v1.2.0 for playbook games
Required Device Software:
Tablet: 1.0.0 or higher
Twitch Arcade - Purchase the app once and all future games are free!
Twitch Arcade is a multi game app with integrated online leaderboards for each game. Share your top scores on Facebook and Twitter! Twitch Arcade will provide endless hours of fun for the entire family. Plus you'll get even more out of your purchase as new games are added to the Twitch Arcade because all updates and future games are 100% free!
- Purchase the app once, all updates and future games are free.
- Local and global leaderboards.
- Share your top scores on Facebook and Twitter.
- 100% NO ADS.
- All games unlocked, play any game, any time.
- No downloading from the internet, games come pre installed.
Twitch Arcade v.1.2.0 comes with the following games:
If you enjoy the Twitch Arcade, please write a great review. It will help us keep improving Twitch Arcade for your BlackBerry PlayBook.
We hope you enjoy the Twitch Arcade!
(Scroll down for update history.)
FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
Q) Are new games really free?
A) 100% Yes! After your first purchase, all future updates which will include new games, are free.
Q) What kind of games will be developed for the Twitch Arcade?
A) Casual games that are short, fun, easy to learn and simple to play.
Q) Will there be exclusive games just for the Twitch Arcade?
A) Yes.
Q) What genre of games will be available?
A) The focus will be on "twitch games" such as arcade, puzzle games and shoot-em-ups.
Q) Can individual games be installed/uninstalled?
A) No. All games are installed at time of purchase or update.
Q) Do I have to be online to play the games?
A) No, all games can be played offline anytime.
v1.2.0 - Added BalloonPop game. Updated leaderboards.
v1.0.1 - Fixed Gemclix bug when dragging powerups onto playfield.
v1.0.0 - Initial release.
