Tag: Snap10
Overview :
Snap10 - Send Snaps for blackberry 10 apps
Snap a photo or a video, add a caption, and send it to a friend.
*****Experiencing Issues? Stories? Registration? Camera?*****
Please visit: http://goo.gl/vHSMj7
*****Previous Snap2Chat PRO User?*****
Please go to this link (no need to pay again): http://goo.gl/wyMA35
Features :
✔ share pictures and videos with friends
✔ post snaps on your story
✔ see stories, best friends and score of your friends
✔ draw and add text to your pictures
✔ search friends on your phone
✔ save your picture on your phone
✔ front and back camera
✔ manage your account privacy
✔ notifications
✔ BBM™: Post a BBM™ Status Update / Share to your BBM Friends
✔ Camera: Allow your Camera to be used for attaching photos
✔ Device Identifying Information: Identify what specific device you're using for a better User Interface and User Experience
✔ Location: Allowing to get your location for a specific app purpose (we don't sell your location)
✔ Microphone: Recording voice notes / video camera
✔ Shared Files: Allow access to your Photos and Videos to be used
✔ Run in Background: Be able to load requests in the background and so Active Frame work
SUPPORTED OS'ES AND DEVICES: OS 10.2+ & BlackBerry Z10, Q10, Z3, Z30, Passport, Classic, Q5 + All Porche Design BlackBerry 10 Device
For any concerns please contact nemorystudios@gmail.com with a meaningful subject
Thank you so much and have a nice day! :)
Supported Devices:
BlackBerry Passport
BlackBerry Q10
BlackBerry Q5
BlackBerry Z10
BlackBerry Z3
BlackBerry Z30
Porsche Design P9982
Porsche Design P9983