Tag: air 8980 apps e-Mobile
Overview :
e-Mobile Air Share v1.0 for blackberry apps free download
Required Device Software
4.5.0 or higher
Blackberry 82XX Series (240*320) Pearl Flip Devices Models: 8200, 8220, 8230/Blackberry 8350i (320*240) Related Devices Model: 8500, 8520, 8530, 9300(Kepler), 9330/Blackberry 83XX Series (320*240) Curve Devices Models: 8300, 8310, 8320, 8330 / Blackberry 87XX Series (320*240) Devices Models: 8700c, 8700r, 8700f, 8700g, 8703e, 8707, 8707g, 8707v .etc /Blackberry 88XX Series (320*240) Devices Models: 8800, 8820, 8830 .etc /Blackberry 89XX Curve Series (480*360): 8900(Javelin), 8910(Atlas), 8930, 8950, 8980/Blackberry 90XX Bold (Onyx) Series (480*320) Devices Models: 9000, 9020(Onyx)/Blackberry 96XX Tour (Niagara) Series (480*360):9600, 9630, 9650(Tour2), 9700(Bold2), 9780, Dakota, Apollo /Blackberry 95XX Storm Series (360*480):9500, 9510, 9520, 9530, 9550(Storm2), 9570(Storm3), 9800(Torch), 9810/9850/9860(Torch2)/Blackberry Pearl 3G Series (360*400) Devices Models: 9100, 9105, 9670(Style)/Blackberry 99XX (OS 7.0) Series (640*480) Devices Models: 9900, 9930
Powerful file sharing tool on the market!
*** Special promotional price! ***
Support file sharing among different mobile devices and PC.
View the BlackBerry® file system both internal and SD memory card.
No need for a USB data cable, send movies, pictures, music and office documents directly to your device and view them from device built-in media player or office document viewer.
Browse, view, delete files on device directly from the application.
Support file sharing between BlackBerry® and PC (PC client is separate purchase for $1.99 at: http://www.e-mobilesoft.com)
Support file sharing between BlackBerry® devices
Support file sharing between BlackBerry® and Android, Windows Mobile devices
Support file sharing between BlackBerry® and other mobile devices