Tag: Facebook Chat
Overview :
free blackberry apps : Chat On Facebook v2.0.94
Chat on Facebook is the #1 selling app in BlackBerry App World for 2011.
Chat on Facebook for BlackBerry® allows you to chat with all of your Facebook friends using your BlackBerry® smartphone. Chat on Facebook has been modelled after the native Facebook interface, giving you a familiar Facebook look and feel for a great experience Facebook chatting with your friends. Chat on Facebook is the only native BlackBerry® app for chatting on Facebook. We are dedicated to making the best possible BlackBerry® apps and we will continue to improve Chat on Facebook by releasing free upgrades to our users forever.
To be sure that this app works great on your BlackBerry®, you can chat with your friends on Facebook free for 7 days using the Chat on Facebook Free Trial version of this product.
Shows online and idle Facebook friends with their Facebook profile pictures!
Initiate a Chat on Facebook or respond to a Chat on Facebook request from a Facebook friend
Integrated Facebook chat screen similar to BlackBerry® Messenger, you can see what you type while you receive a message from a Facebook friend, no need for a separate window
Stays connected to Facebook while in the background, automatically connects to Facebook on startup and reconnects if the Facebook connection is dropped
Popup dialog, vibrate, sound and LED notifications when a new Facebook Chat message arrives
Notifications are fully customizable
New features in 2.0:
You can now login with either your Email, Phone or Facebook Username! (Facebook usernames are not required.)
Current Chat on Facebook Conversations are shown above Online friends, like BlackBerry® Messenger
Notification icon next to Chats with new messages
Facebook Profile icons shown in header
Better keep-alives, less disconnects
Less data and battery usage
Offline Facebook friends are not shown, in order to save data usage
Many bug fixes, thanks to our users and your patience while we make the app better!
If you like Chat on Facebook, please write a great review. It will help us to keep improving Chat on Facebook!
If you have any problems connecting, please visit http://support.smarter-apps.com and we will assist you getting setup.
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