Tag: ABI Notes
Overview :
A very nice notepad application, only record the text, you can select different records in different colors, and the color is very positive, very beautiful. You can back up and restore the contents of the record, but the free version can record up to eight content, paid version is no limit, but it seems to be cloud synchronization, personal feeling is not necessary.
Supported Devices:
BlackBerry Q10
BlackBerry Q5
BlackBerry Z10
BlackBerry Z3
BlackBerry Z30
Porsche Design P9982
Create a note or todo list. Set an alarm. Invite selected contacts to share it. You and they can edit the note. Mobile collaboration made easy. Productivity simplified. To-do lists, shopping lists, directions, descriptions, situation updates, reminders, you name it, ABI Notes makes sharing easier.
* Simple & colourful user interface in Cascades
* Manage notes and to-do lists in one app
* Sort notes and to-do lists by title, color, time of update or time of creation
* Set an alarm for each note or to-do by integration with Calendar App
* Easy to search by keywords
* Invokable by text sharing from any application.
* Easy to share/co-edit note or to-do list with another ABI Notes user
* Backup/restore your notes or to-do lists from server