Tag: Tomato Timer
Overview :
Tomato Timer v1.0.0.3 for blackberry apps
Tomato Timer supports the popular time management technique 'The Pomodoro Technique®' - a more productive way to work and study, invented by Francesco Cirillo. For more information: http://pomodorotechnique.com/
• Decide on the task at hand
• Set the Tomato Timer to 'Work/Break'. This will automatically create alternating work- and break-intervals. On the clock-face the work interval is tagged red, the break green
• Work on the task until the work-interval expires
• Take a short break (5 minutes)
• Approximately every four work-intervals take a long break (10-20 minutes)
• Adjust work-, break-, and long-break-intervals
• Add breaks in-between when needed
• Adjustable signals for work/break changes (Sound, LED, Vibration)
• More than 20 built-in signal sounds
• Add a custom signal sound from the file system
• Support fo Active-Frame
• Count of work-intervals per session
• Completely FREE
• Native BlackBerry 10 Cascades app
• Latest BlackBerry 10 version (10.3.2) design language
• Optimized for all BlackBerry 10 devices including BlackBerry Passport
• No internet-connection needed
• No malware
• Shared Files Access: This permission is required to use audio files from the file system for signal sound
Supported Devices:
BlackBerry Classic
BlackBerry Leap
BlackBerry Passport
BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition
BlackBerry Q10
BlackBerry Q5
BlackBerry Z3
Porsche Design P9982
Porsche Design P9983