Tag: s4bb BB10 Task Master
Overview :
S4BB Limited updated Task Master! This task management application will function as your personal secretary on your BlackBerry Smartphone, offering you the following features:
Quick task management (create, edit, delete)
Full integration with the internal BlackBerry® 10 task database
Tasks are automatically synchronized with other task software like:
Local device tasks
Google tasks
Microsoft Exchange tasks
NEW: Category management (create, edit, delete and custom coloring)
Full shortcut support on QWERTY devices
NEW: new shortcuts added through the update
Task Master is compatible with all BlackBerry® 10 Smartphones & BlackBerry® Legacy OS 6.0 or higher and is available at BlackBerry World™.
File Size: 5 MB
Blackberry 10 Devices: Blackberry Dev Alpha, Blackberry Z10, Blackberry Z15, Blackberry Z30, Blackberry A10, Blackberry Q30, Blackberry Q10, Blackberry Q5