Tag: s4bb Calendar Wee
Overview :
Calendar Week View by S4BB Limited has received a new update. The application was completely redeveloped to resolve issues with the previous version.
The new update improves the user interface as well as the performance of the application. Besides that, it is now possible to add new calendar events from within Calendar Week View. In the Pro version, users have the possibility to edit existing events. When the app is minimized, the active frame displays all events for the current day. With Calendar Week view users can get their week's schedule at a glance!
Calendar Week View is compatible with all BlackBerry® 10 Smartphones and apps is free.
File Size: 7 MB
File Size: 7 MB
Blackberry 10 Devices: Blackberry Dev Alpha, Blackberry Z10, Blackberry Z15, Blackberry Z30, Blackberry A10, Blackberry Q30, Blackberry Q10, Blackberry Q5