Tag: s4bb Ziplorer
Overview :
This weekend, S4BB Limited is offering a discount specially for BlackBerry® Legacy OS users: Ziplorer is on discount for just $0.99 for a limited time only.
Ziplorer is the perfect app to save memory on Legacy OS devices. The app allows users to package files and entire folders into PKZip or GZip archives. This decreases the overall file size and thereby saves memory space! This particularly comes in handy when files need to be send via a network with limited data usage or slow connection speeds. Through the app, the user can access the entire file system of his or her BlackBerry® Smartphone. This includes zipping or unzipping files from an installed SD card, giving the possibility to backup important data easily and on-the-go!
Ziplorer is compatible with BlackBerry® Legacy OS Smartphones and can be downloaded at BlackBerry World™.