Tag: 9800 apps Better Tasks 8520 apps
Overview :
Better Tasks v1.0 for os6.0-7.1 apps -- Better Tasks integrates with the native tasks on your BlackBerry to provide a better user experience to managing your task list.
Version: 1.0
File Size: 82 kb
Blackberry OS 7.1 Series: P'9981, 9860, 9850, 9810, 9620, 9360, 9350, 9320, 9315, 9310, 9220, 9930, 9900, 9720, 9790 / Blackberry OS 7.0 Series: P'9981, 9860, 9850, 9810, 9380, 9370, 9360, 9350, 9930, 9900, 9790 / Blackberry OS 6.0 Series: 9800, 9670, 9105, 9100, 9330, 9300, 9780, 9700, 9650
Better Tasks is designed to be very straight forward and simple to use with a clean interface. Better Tasks focuses on looking at tasks grouped by their categories, thus when you first open the app you see a list of the categories defined on your BlackBerry. There are also three special folders to list tasks with no category, All tasks, and completed tasks. You can manage your categories from the first screen by creating new, editing or deleting categories. Each category gives you a count of the tasks in that category.
You can quickly create a task from the main screen by pressing 'N', or using the menu options. If you create a new task while in a category, that task will be tagged with that category. You can quickly complete a task by pressing the space key.