Tag: iGrann
Overview :
iGrann [RC 1] v for blackberry 10 apps
Blackberry 10 Devices: Blackberry Dev Alpha, Blackberry Z10, Blackberry Z15, Blackberry Z30, Blackberry A10, Blackberry Q30, Blackberry Q10, Blackberry Q5
iGrann application is quite long known as the author published ideas as well as regularly updated schedule of product development. This is a native app on BB10 to Instagram with full features and especially Free.
Today, 1/19/2014, the author has released an update Release Candidate 1, should be considered as the official close. It would have been quite sufficient features and runs very smooth and stable on BB10. Experience sharing social network Instagram photo with a native application on your BB10 Light
Change log:
Stay share to Twitter/Facebook toggle on if it was on during the last upload
No results are returned if text contains “@” while tagging (Fixed)
User search is case-sensitive (Fixed)
Error log is displayed if twitter username/password is wrong (Fixed)
“Slow loading” for facebook page (Fixed)
Wrong date for notification (Fixed)
Username displayed twice in notification (Fixed)
Issue with special chard when commenting (Fixed)
Duplicate photos in feed (Fixed)
Ugly comment bar (Fixed)
Tags repeting while viewing list (Fixed)
Profile design issues (Fixed)
Like and comments as actions in media page (Implemented)
Display message to tap people (Implemented)
Added iGrann to notification title (Implemented)
Added date to comments (Implemented)
jpeg share (Implemented)
App icon changed (Implemented)
Splashes images changed (Implemented)
Faster feed loading when app is opened (Implemented)
Registration enabled (Implemented)
No check notifications if not logged in (Implemented)
Last time notificatios (Implemented)