Tag: vScreenshot
Overview :
vScreenshot v2.0.5 for os5.0-7.x apps -- This application can be launched from system wide menu, or directly calling it by setting a convenience key to launch this application. If you have Vayyoo installed, it will take a screen-shot and make it available in Vayyoo, so you can send it to your favorite destinations...
Version: 2.0.5
File Size: 53 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher
Blackberry OS 7.1 Series: P'9981, 9860, 9850, 9810, 9620, 9360, 9350, 9320, 9310, 9220, 9930, 9900, 9790 / Blackberry OS 7.0 Series: P'9981, 9860, 9850, 9810, 9380, 9360, 9350, 9930, 9900, 9790 / Blackberry OS 6.0 Series: 9800, 9670, 9105, 9100, 9330, 9300, 9780, 9700, 9650 / Blackberry OS 5.0 Series: 9630, 9800, 9530, 9500, 9550, 9520, 9105, 9100, 9330, 9300, 8980, 8900, 8530, 8520, 8350i, 8330, 9700, 9650, 9000
Now you can take screenshots of your high scores, maps, chat messages, browser pages and even bugs that you see!
If you want to change any settings, please look for vScreenshot options in the BlackBerry® options list. You can choose to:
. Enable/Disable vibrate
. If you are taking many screenshots, and don't want to see Vayyoo each time, and then find all of them ready to be sent in Vayyoo application.
. Change file location between SD Card vs device
. You can also change the exact path (please do it carefully)
BROWSER SCREENSHOT: there is a known 6.0 OS issue where the menu on browser does not work. The workaround is to use the convenience key in that case.
STORM USERS: If you are seeing smaller Screen-shot, please DISABLE compatibility mode.