Tag: MovieSrtPlay
Overview :
Srt Subtitle Support for your BlackBerry® PlayBook™.
(suppports .MKV from MovieSrtPlayer version 2.2.0)
- Due to PlayBook limitations only about 80% of .MKV files are supported
(.MKV files with AC3/DTS audio are not supported (yet))
- MovieSrtPlayer does not show .MKV files but you have to rename them to .AVI first
(Working on a fix for that)
- MKV subtitles are available when the .SRT subtitle file is placed in the same folder
(Looking for burned subtitles MKV support)
- update available soon!
Want to watch a foreign movie on your BlackBerry® PlayBook™?
Want to watch a movie in a noisy train on your BlackBerry® PlayBook™?
Or you just want to watch a movie with no sound on your BlackBerry® PlayBook™.
- No video conversion needed. Add subtitles in seconds!
- Put your favorite movie file in your BlackBerry® PlayBook 'videos' folder (ex: Z:\videos\The_Hitchhiker's_Guide_To_The_Galaxy.avi)
- Use a search engine and look for 'The_Hitchhiker's_Guide_To_The_Galaxy.srt'
- Download the srt file and just copy the srt file to your BlackBerry® PlayBook™ 'videos' folder (ex: Z:\videos\The_Hitchhiker's_Guide_To_The_Galaxy.srt)
- Make sure that both files have exact the same name except for the SRT extension
- Make sure that both files are in the same (sub)folder
- Launch MovieSrtPlayer
IMPORTANT! : The App needs access to your PlayBook files, please grant access at first start up!!
Or go to Just go to the security settings of your playbook under 'security' menu 'permission details' afterwards.
File type support:
- Currently supported formats = all formats supported by the default playbook movie player
- MKV (from MovieSrtPlayer 2.0.0)
- All info at http://www.playbookprojects.com (see support)
- Change subtitles color
- Change subtitles size
- Change subtitles position
- Swipe on top to show or hide the controls
- Color, size, position, delay time ... are saved automatically
- Change Font Family by using the topleft icon
- You can play sound with .srt subtitles ...
- Change the DELAY TIME of your subs on the fly (no .srt conversion needed)!
Use +/- buttons in the middle of the screen
Original .SRT files remain unchanged
Delay interval is saved for each movie
Tap between the +/- buttons to reset the delay time
- Use the ZOOM icons to remove the black borders on top and bellow
- Remembers the position on movies
- Support Cyrillic font for:
Slavic languages: Bulgarian, Belarusian, Macedonian, Russian, Rusyn, Serbo-Croatian and Ukrainian.
Non-Slavic languages: Abkhaz, Bashkir, Erzya, Kazakh, Kildin Sami, Komi, Kyrgyz, Mari, Moksha, Mongolian, Ossetic, Romani, Tajik,
Tatar, Tuvan, and Udmurt.
- Support Polish fonts.
- Support Bulgarian font (from 1.7.7)
(Please contact support if you encounter problems reading Cyrillic or other fonts)