Tag: PlayBook What up
Overview :
What's up v1.0.0 for blackberry playbook
This app is the only one of its kind available for any BlackBerry®device and provides the definitive answer when someone asks you what's up. It builds on the elegant simplicity of Stars for BlackBerry® PlayBook™ and shows the real-time positions of the Sun, Moon, planets and the 5000 brightest stars. It is easy to set up, works anywhere on the planet and does not need an internet connection to perform its main function.
In addition to the basic functionality of its predecessor, you can now enjoy the advanced features that you have been waiting for:
* GPS support for setting geographic coordinates
* Advanced text search including phonetic search
* Multitouch gesture support for zooming and panning
* Innovative "Quick Links" providing seamless integration with Wikipedia articles
This app gets the job done but comparisons to my competitors on other platforms are inevitable. As soon as RIM® provides an interface to the PlayBook's magnetic compass, we will finally have a truly "point and view" sky map worthy of unqualified praise. My to-do list is lengthy but the future is bright. Because of these (I believe minor) limitations, you will be able to download What's up at a special introductory price. You will not be disappointed. If you would rather try before you buy, you can download Stars for BlackBerry® PlayBook™and take it for a five-day test drive.
Key words:
skychart, skymap, astronomy, starmap, starchart, sky, chart, map, star, planetarium