Tag: eBook SVIT EPUB
Overview :
SVIT - Ebook Reader with EPUB Support
This application reads non-DRM digital ebooks in the EPUB format and comes with 30 preloaded free ebooks (see the list below).
It has the following functionalities:
- outlook and page turning as in Kobo or Kindle,
- very fast page turning (the complete book is read and rendered during loading),
- landscape and portrait orientation mode with auto-rotate functionality,
- customizable fonts,
- memorizing the current page,
- go to page using slider,
- bookmarks, and
- follow-my-finger.
The SVIT Ebook Reader also connects to the PROJECT GUTENBERG site where you can search among 36,000 FREE high quality ebooks, download them, and read them offline. You can also read your own collections of digital non-DRM EPUB ebooks.
The SVIT Ebook Reader includes the following ebooks from the PROJECT GUTENBERG:
- A Journey to the Centre of the Earth,
- Around the World in 80 Days,
- Dracula,
- Emma,
- Frankenstein,
- From the Earth to the Moon and Round the Moon,
- Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome,
- Pride and Prejudice,
- Robinson Crusoe,
- Secret Adverary,
- The Advetures of Sherlock Holmes,
- The Best American Humorous Short Stories,
- The Bible, Old and New Testaments, King James Version,
- The Count of Monte Cristo,
- The Jungle Book,
- The Hound of the Baskervilles,
- The Iliad,
- The Koran (Al-Qur'an),
- The Lost World,
- The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes,
- The Mysterious Affair at Styles,
- The Odyssey,
- The Picture of Dorian Gray,
- The Return of Sherlock Holmes,
- The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
- The Three Musketeers,
- The Time Machine,
- The War of the Worlds,
- Treasure Island, and
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
Books are stored into 'books' folder. Synchronization moves all found digital books from 'documents' and 'downloads' folders into 'books' folder.
Functionalities to be implemented in next releases:
- support for other book formats,
- highlights,
- better rendering engine, and
- support for images.
In case of any problem with EPUB digital books, please contact info@pronic.si.