Tag: Twitter Blaq
Overview :
Price 1.99
Blaq for PlayBook Version 1.8.2 is now showing up via app world on the PlayBook and should be available for most everyone. The update is currently not showing up in app world itself but should be shortly. This update goes from v1.81 to v1.82, so with such a small jump I would guess this is a small bug fix. When/if a change-log becomes available I will update the post.
Don’t be caught using the tenuously featured Twitter® mobile web while your friends are getting the most from their BlackBerry® PlayBook™ Twitter® experience.
A quick reminder of the new features in v1.8
•Threaded direct messages – See messages in the convo format you’re used to
•Muting - Mute users, clients (e.g. GetGlue, twitterfeed) and hashtags
•Tweet from multiple accounts at once – tap the avatar next to the compose area to select accounts to tweet from
•Go to user (Swipe down, blue dude)
•Adjustable font size for tweet compose
•Portrait list view
•Portrait search view
•Shows if user is following current user on the tweet card
•Hashtags are automatically appended to replies
•Tweet card hides compose after tweet is sent
•“Tweet from @user” when copying tweet
•Change the location of trending topics