Tag: PlayBook NOTO
Overview :
NOTO v11.0.0 for blackberry playbook apps
Required Device Software
1.0.0 or higher
NOTO is a simple tool that will allow you to create quick notes and ideas for the BlackBerry® PlayBook™.
Watch a demo here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6KGJEdhnmM
Changes in version 11.0
- Added NOTOBooks
- Each NotoBook can hold 9 pages
- Add/Rename/Delete NOTOBooks
Changes in version 10.5
- Added more pages, 9 pages total (Making room for NotoBooks....coming soon)
- Added ability to save as .jpg, .pdf, .txt and .doc files.
- Added new background
- Added HD icons
- Fixed Swipe sensitivity
- Ability to navigate to individual pages
- Bug Fixes
In a meeting and need to jot down some quick notes?
On the go and need to jot down a quick phone number?
NOTO can help you keep track of those quick ideas and notes, in a large and colorful way.
Some of the features include, Touch & Drag, change fonts, change color, change text size, multiple pages, save on exit, change backgrounds and more....
- Touch to Type
- Touch Text to Drag
- Swipe (left/right) for more screens