Tag: BBM 9900 games Caro 9930 games
Overview :
Caro for BBM v0.6.2 for blackberry games free download
Required Device Software
5.0.0 or higher
Supported devices:
Blackberry 85xx, 89xx, 90xx, 91xx, 93xx, 95xx, 97xx, 98xx, 99xx

BBMCaro is a TicTacToe alike game with 15x15 grid field and 5 same symbols in a row will win.(Row, Column, Diagonal)
With BBM Social Platform integration, BBMCaro allows BBM friends playing with each other.
Users can see their scores and their opponents scores while playing.
Users can add BBMCaro profile box into BBM Profile to let friends see their recent activities from BBMCaro.( Home Screen - Go to BBM - Menu - Options - BBM Connected Applications - Application Access - Edit - BBMCaro - Edit - Check the "Post recent activities to my profile" option)
. BIS/BES with usable BBM 6
. BlackBerry® ID(For sign in)
. OS 5.0++
. BBM 6.0++
. Support devices (93xx, 85xx, 89xx, 9000, 95xx, 96xx, 97xx, 98xx, 99xx, 91xx)
Discuss link: http://dauden.vn/threads/4312
View Record list: http://bbmcaro.dauden.vn/record.php
How to play?
• Use trackpad/trackball/touch for your turn.
• Win when you have a line with 5 mark standing close together
• Draw when field was full
• Press C or in Menu options - Send Chat for Chatting in game.
• Status bar is shown on top.
• Win, Lose, Draw of your archivement on next Row