Tag: Angry Farm
Overview :
Angry Farm 1.0.86 for blackberry games download
The Farmer is away and the farm has been overrun by an army of hungry foxes.
Help the angry animals fight back to clear the farm of marauding foxes. The angry animals are armed with a catapult and they fly through the air like furious birds before colliding spectacularly with the foxes who are hiding inside protective farm structures.
Each of the angry animals have special properties that you can control to defeat the foxes.
Angry goat flies through the air slamming into foxes and causing hay bales and wooden farm structures to explode.
Angry pig bounces like a super ball of furious rubberized pork demolishing foxes and their hiding places.
Angry cow flies through the air and accelerates to attacking speed when you click the trackpad or touchscreen while the angry cow is in flight.
Angry hen is a bird full of bad bird attitude. So full of bad bird attitude that angry hen splits into three angry bird projectiles when you click the trackpad or touchscreen while the angry hen is in the air.
30 action-packed game levels
Engaging special audio and video effects
Free upgrades to all existing customers forever
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Blackberry 9300(Kepler), 9330/Blackberry 89XX Curve Series (480*360): 8900(Javelin), 8910(Atlas), 8930, 8950, 8980/Blackberry 90XX Bold (Onyx) Series (480*320) Devices Models: 9000, 9020(Onyx)/Blackberry 96XX Tour (Niagara) Series (480*360):9600, 9630, 9650(Tour2), 9700(Bold2), 9780, Dakota, Apollo /Blackberry 95XX Storm Series (360*480):9500, 9510, 9520, 9530, 9550(Storm2), 9570(Storm3), 9800(Torch), Torch2/Blackberry Pearl 3G Series (360*400) Devices Models: 9100, 9105, 9670(Style)