03 - 06 FileScout v1.8.6.0 I would like to use the opportunity to present an application that I have written for the all BlackBerry? devices with OS 4.3 or higher (sorry no support for 4.2.1 devices) [success... More
03 - 05 GPSLogger v1.8.0.4 GPSLogger is a pretty straightforward application it records your physical movement on your BlackBerry device over time, including elevation, speed, and some additional data (imperi... More
03 - 05 wIPzard for 83xx curve apps free wIPzard for 83xx curve apps os4.5 Description: wIPzard is a simple IP calculator app for BlackBerry, where you just enter in an IP address and set a mask and get the calculated... More
03 - 05 wIPzard for 82xx pearl apps free wIPzard for 82xx pearl apps os4.6 Description: wIPzard is a simple IP calculator app for BlackBerry, where you just enter in an IP address and set a mask and get the calculated... More
03 - 05 wIPzard for 96xx tour apps free wIPzard for 96xx tour apps Description: wIPzard is a simple IP calculator app for BlackBerry, where you just enter in an IP address and set a mask and get the calculated values... More
03 - 05 TellMe TellMe tell me time, date, memory, weather, electricity, telephone, mail, etc. If you do not try, you may be difficult to understand the capabilities of TellMe. TellMe is a useful s... More
03 - 05 Real Time Currency Converter blackberry apps Real Time Currency Converter blackberry apps download * Now, get the real time currency rates through this application. * The quickest and easiest currency converter to convert amou... More
03 - 05 Real Time Currency Converter free Real Time Currency Converter for blackberry apps download * Now, get the real time currency rates through this application. * The quickest and easiest currency converter to con... More
03 - 05 gOmniTracker v1.0 free gOmniTracker v1.0 - blackberry apps download gOmniTracker allows your mobile device to keep track of your family, friends, or team members, while your are on-the-go, or from yo... More
03 - 05 My PIN Barcode for BBM v2.1 My Pin Barcode is a very simple that allows you to show your BBM Pin barcode with just one click! Features: * One click access * Shows BBM barcode * Instructions for convenience key... More
03 - 04 Push2Talk Push2Talk for blackberry applications download Description: -Push2Talk is a Blackberry to Blackberry voice communication app. Push2Talk allows you to use your Blackberry Smartphone ... More
03 - 04 FlipOff v0.3.00 FlipOff v0.3.00 for blackberry storm 9500 apps download Model: Blackberry 95XX Storm Series (360*480):9500, 9510, 9520, 9530, 9550(Storm2), 9800 Description: Allows user to disable ... More
03 - 04 Signal Strength Description: Display the signal strength on your blackberry both as dB and in graphical representation. Features: Display signal strength in dB Auto updates every second so you can ... More
03 - 03 ATT Code Scanner ATT Code Scanner for blackberry apps download Description: ATT Code Scanner is a free mobile application for BlackBerry that gives you a fun and easy way to scan 2D (QR and datamatr... More
03 - 03 face2face for 97xx bold apps face2face for 97xx bold apps Description: face2face lets you share, IM and stay connected to friends from almost anywhere. View profiles, feeds and status updates. Find Your Friends... More
03 - 03 SmartBIndie apps for blackberry free SmartBIndie apps for blackberry Description: Do you wonder how much battery is left? Do you have troubles reading the tiny battery bars? SmartBIndie is the simple solution of a... More
03 - 03 Ringtone Creator 2.0 blackberry storm apps Ringtone Creator 2.0 blackberry storm apps Description: Create Ringtones of your Mp3 Music directly in your blackberry! Model: Blackberry 81XX Series (240*260) Pearl Devices Models:... More
03 - 03 TXTLater apps for blackberry TXTLater apps for blackberry Description: TXTLater an all in one BlackBerry SMS, E-mail Call scheduler TXTLater schedules , Email messages and Calls to be sent later at a future dat... More
03 - 03 Yellow Pages Canada free Yellow Pages Canada for blackberry apps download Description: Yellow Pages Canada app lets you search local businesses and persons easily on your BlackBerry Features: * Busines... More
03 - 02 GroupMe v1.0 GroupMe v1.0 for blackberry apps Description: GroupMe for BlackBerry makes it easy to manage all your real-life groups from your BlackBerry device. Create new groups from your conta... More