Tag: PlayBook ProInsights
Overview :
ProInsights v1.0.0 for BlackBerry PlayBook Apps
Required Device Software:
Tablet: 1.0.0 or higher
ProInsights transforms your LinkedIn profile into brilliant infographics and helps you unlock fascinating insights about you and your network.
Love LinkedIn but find your profile a tad dull and unexciting? Ever stopped and wondered if there could be useful nuggets of information hiding beneath all those numbers and text? What if, you could magically transform your LinkedIn profile into a colorful designer-like portfolio and dig up a treasure trove of eye-opening insights in the process? Sparks your curiosity? Then say hello to “ProInsights” where LinkedIn meets Infographics!
So, what is ProInsights?
ProInsights is a powerful application that “reads between the lines” of your LinkedIn profile, churns out meaningful insights and presents them through stunning visuals. It radically transforms your plain LinkedIn data into extremely informative infographics, which helps you absorb the essence of your data in just one quick glance. ProInsights thus helps unlock intriguing insights about you and your network that you had never really known before.
What does it do?
ProInsights has an extremely dynamic, user-friendly and interactive UI and generates a host of thought-provoking insights. Few of these insights include: the top countries and companies that your connections work in, a graphical timeline of your career and your “LinkedIn Quotient” which is essentially a weightage given to your LinkedIn profile based on your reach. So now, you get to see where you stand in the LinkedIn universe and even share these insights on your Social Networks!
Connection Explorer:
The crux of ProInsights is the Connection Explorer feature, which displays your connections in four convenient and interactive views and is an absolute visual delight. One look at the screenshots and you’ll know what we mean!
★ Card Deck: Has the look and feel of a rolodex. Flip through a business-card view of your connections.
★ Mosaic: Take a trip down memory lane and leaf through a photo-album of your connections
★ Bird Eye: Get a bird’s eye view on your connections plotted geographically on a map. You might just discover that you have a contact in Uganda you had added ages back!
★ Spring Graph: Gives you a closer look at your Inner Circle. View your contacts in node clusters that link to you by the number of connections that they have. Move your connections around in this highly interactive spring-like view!
Trying to find contacts of yours from the Food Industry? Or a marketing expert maybe? Just type in a keyword on ProInsights’ very own search engine- IntelliSearch- and find the people you are looking for! True to its name, IntelliSearch does an intensive search on your connections and thus helps you zero in on the most relevant connections.
Need we say more? Break the monotony with ProInsights! Add some zing to your LinkedIn profile by giving it a makeover! Bask in your glory and flaunt your insights to the rest of the world! See your connections in a whole new light and rediscover and reconnect with the ones you almost forgot you had.
ProInsights uses your LinkedIn™ profile data to generate insights and infographics. Having a LinkedIn™ profile is a prerequisite for using this app.
LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo and the IN logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation and its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.