Tag: PlayBook Liquid-Photo
Overview :
Liquid-Photo v4.0.484 for playbook apps
Required Device Software
Tablet: 1.0.0 or higher
Turn your BlackBerry® PlayBook™ into a liquid photo slide show while it charges!.
Touch the screen anywhere and watch as a water ripple spreads across your gallery images.
Take photo's from within the application and manipulate them immediately.
Complete Photo Browser included so you can view all the images on your BlackBerry® PlayBook™. Including Images download from the built in web browser.
Tweek and change the Rain Effect's settings to get a custom effect that suit's you, be it a heavy down pour or a light shower.
See a running example at www.liquid-photo.com
Follow us on Twitter @LiquidPhotoApp for all the latest updates!
* Touch sensitive water ripples
* Screensaver while your BlackBerry® PlayBook™ Charges
* Automatically exits the application if your batter falls below 10% if it is not Charging
* Rain Effect - Create an amazing rain effect over top of your image slide show
* In-App Camera control so you can quickly add water effects to your photo's
* Choose individual Photo's or whole Albums to add to your slideshow
* Live Effect/Slide show configuration through the built in settings screen
* Ideal ScreenSaver whilst your BlackBerry® PlayBook™ charges
* Swipe Gestures for slide navigation.
* Slide Show
- ChangeLog -
v 4.0.477 - 06 Nov 2011
* Two Finger swipe gestures to move forwards or backwards through your slide show.
* Fixed bug with single image selection.
* Fixed bug when navigating from the slideshow back to the image browser.
v 4.0.476 - 29 Oct 2011
* Random SlideShow Option Added.
* Minor bug with reset fixed.
* Default Settings optimised.
v 4.0.475 - 26 Oct 2011
* Added support for portrait mode.
* Added support for different types of bitmap scaling.
* Improved Settings Screen Layout
v 4.0.472 - 16 Oct 2011
* Liquid-Photo now stops your device from going to sleep whilst in slide show mode.
** 4.0 Major New release ** 13 Oct 2011
This release is a complete re-write of the application to improve speed and responsiveness.
* The application now persists user state
** settings
** current view
** Up to 512 images from the last session.
* Image searching is not done at startup so the application loads faster.
* Extra option to select a specific image from the device has been added.
Full Change log can be found at www.Liquid-Photo.com