Tag: Halloween Sounds
Overview :
Halloween Sounds v1.0.0 playbook applications
Required Device Software
1.0.0 or higher
Hey buddy, wanna scare the guy in the next cube? Any interest in making your roommate almost wet themselves? Well the future is here my friend.
With Halloween Sounds you can play endless pranks on friends and enemies alike. 15 spooky sounds and Spooky Soundtrack which plays a creepy soundtrack and adds scary sounds on top of it. The perfect soundtrack for handing out treats, or great mood music for a costume party.
Sounds Include:
Witches Laugh
Flying Bats
Growling Monster
Creaky Door
Howling Wolf
Squeaky Floor
Deadly Scream
Evil Laugh
Bubbling Cauldron
Spooky Ghost
Crying Cat
Bloody Shriek
Croaking Frog
Ominous Chime
Creepy Music