Tag: SonicAir
Overview :
SonicAir v1.1 for RIM Playbook apps
Required Device Software
1.0.6 or higher
Air Sonic is a Subsonic app for the BlackBerry® PlayBook™! Please make sure you have API access (donate to Subsonic to get access).
Play all sorts of video and audio, even high definition 720P MKV files - only restrictions being the speed of your connection, and the power of your computer running subsonic.
TO USE THE APP MAKE SURE YOU HAVE INDEXES DEFINED. This means share a folder with a folder inside it, do not create share with just files inside.
AirSonic lets you:
1. Listen to music
2. Watch Videos
3. Control Bitrate
4. Cache Lists for offline use
5. Create Playlists
6. Play playlists
7. Use quick list feature to create on the go playlists
8. Download songs for offline use later
All over your Wifi/Bridge connection! True cloud based music with full control.
For information on SubSonic: http://www.subsonic.org
AirSonic is a the Flex implementation of the SubSonic API.
More features are planned - please email support@mirwindsor.com for feature requests/bug reports. Please BE EXACT and provide as much detail as possible if you need it fixed.