Tag: PlayBook Pitcher
Overview :
Pitcher is a great example of how the PlayBook can be valuable in the work place. As an example lets look at the Pharmaceutical Industry, where sales reps carry tons of printed out brochures or heavy laptops to be able to convince the physician to prescribe their product.
In fact, all they really need is a PlayBook bundled with Pitcher; which carries all the content including but not limited to presentations, brochures, visual aids, videos and 3D visualizations, where the content can be updated remotely and reached even in offline cases.
Usage data is tracked and reported back to the HQ. So the managers can easily see where/when/for how long the sales rep has been pitching and at the end how many sample orders have been taken from their existing CRMs.
Pharmaceutical Industry is just an example but Pitcher can be used with Insurance, Private Banking, device manufacturers etc. Also each application has a fully custom UI, branded according to the CI of the individual product.
You can reach more information and a descriptive video featuring PlayBook from http://www.pitcherapp.com/
No word on pricing yet but you can expect a demo version with dummy content being available in AppWorld soon.
For screenshots & more info about the PlayBook version you can access http://edetailing.ch/PitcherHandBook/PlayBook/