Tag: SmartBudget
Overview :
SmartBudget v1.2.0 for blackberry playbook apps
(Note! - We have submitted update for RIM's approval. The update adds password protection and various bug fixes!).
SmartBudget is an income, expense and budget tracking app for keeping track of all of your personal, business and other expenses. SmartBudget includes the following features:
1. Accounts - track your expenses by account, such as Business and Personal accounts or any other account you want to add.
2. Categories and SubCategories - categorize your expenses into an unlimited number of categories and subcategories to keep everything organized.
3. Notes - tag your expenses with personalized notes
4. Budgets - set customized budgets. Budgets can be for any subset of expenses according to any combination of accounts, categories, expense amount etc. You can choose whether to carry over unused or overextended amounts period to period. Periods can be any that you choose - you can set a period by days, weeks, months, or years and start them from any day.
5. Summary Calendar - the calendar gives you a snapshot of the sum of all your income and expenses day by day, or month by month, or year by year or even by decade!
6. Searching - search through your records by note, amount, account, category, date and more!
7. Graphing - graph any subset of records according to a customized search. See the trend of your income and expenses animate to life in a graph that divides your selected time period into 6.
8. Recurring Payments - set recurring payments to start and end, and repeat at any interval. Intervals can be set to any number of days, weeks, months or years.