Tag: MyBestShot
Overview :
MyBestShot v2.0.0 for blackberry playbook apps
Do you find it difficult to capture that perfect moment? Do you want a good photo of you and your friend without wasting time? MyBestShot is a burst shot app for the BlackBerry® PlayBook™ which takes a quick succession of photos, allowing you to review and save your favorites. Features include;
** Front and rear camera support
** Take up to 64 photos at once (other options: 4, 8, 16, 32)
** 3 Capture speeds (0.1sec, 0.25sec, 0.5sec)
** 3 Quality settings (2048xx1200, 1024x600, 512x300)
** Save photos as JPG or PNG
** Realistic physics scrolling gallery of thumbnails
** Double tap to enlarge photos when reviewing
N.B The trial version only allows you to save five photos