Tag: BlueBox
Overview :
free BlueBox v1.1.0 for BlackBerry PlayBook
Required Device Software: 1.0.0 or higher
BlueBox is an application to access and manage your DropBox account in a very simple and intuitive interface from your BlackBerry® PlayBook™ Tablet.
With BlueBox you could download and launch documents files using Adobe Acrobat or Documents To Go, provided by default, or view images without leave application with BlueBox Media Visualizer.
You can also upload files from your tablet to any folder on your DropBox account, browse file system by category and pick up your pictures, voice recordings, notes, or any kind of file you want. Take it to the cloud!
Soon we will be adding support to upload and download files using the power of BlackBerry® PlayBook™ shared file system.
You must have a DropBox account already registered, soon we will be adding the ability to create account directly from BlueBox application.