Tag: 9500 games HANGMAN
Overview :
Hangman for blackberry 9500 games
Blackberry 95XX Storm Series (360*480):9500, 9510, 9520, 9530, 9550(Storm2)
Now you can play this classic word game on your BlackBerry! The game has two modes:
One Player: Randomly picks words from the large collection of 2900+ words included organized in 8 different categories
Two Player: Type in your own word and hand the BlackBerry to your friend to try to solve
The game offers two different keyboard layouts to accommodate everyone, and offers fun graphical interface. When the game is over, you get a button to quickly research or define the word you just tried to solve. This is a great way to learn about new words and facts!
Over 2900 different words
8 different word categories (Animals, Adjectives, Cities, Countries, Languages, Nouns, Verbs, Water Bodies)
Two different game modes (one player and two player)
Three difficulty modes which set how many mistakes you can make
Choose your own custom word in two player mode
Two different keyboard layouts (QWERTY and Alphabetical)
Button to quickly go online and research the word or to define it (depending on the context) after the game is done
Tons of fun!
Minimum Requirements:
BlackBerry Storm (9530 or 9500)
Display Dimensions
Operating System
4.7 Touch Screen