Tag: BB 10 N.O.V.A. 3
Overview :
N.O.V.A. 3 - A cool game comes out from the Wisdom Music Company, now please login the BlackBerry 10 application stores, if you are the game fans, now go to the official application mall to buy it, the price is $0.99.
size: 2 GB
Required Device Software Operating System: 10.0.0 or higher
"The most immersive and impressive sci-fi FPS franchise on smartphones is back! Four months have passed since Kal ruined the Volterites' plans by sabotaging their war factories. However, following the assassination of President Folsom, the government surrendered the colonies to the Volterite Protectorate in order to prevent civil war. Kal Wardin has been laying low since Folsom’s death, but now he has received a desperate plea from Yelena to come to Earth. Once again, the hero must rise to save mankind!"