Tag: Weapons 9500 games All-In-One
Overview :
All-In-One Weapons
Blackberry 95XX Storm Series (360*480):9500, 9510, 9520, 9530, 9550(Storm2)
All In One Weapons is an all inclusive app that covers all your weaponry needs! Why buy an individual app for each different weapon you want? This has it all.
Weapons included are: anti-aircraft gun, machine gun, revolver, laser gun, energy blade, shotgun, crossbow, chainsaw, time bomb, and tazer.
Super easy user interface! Simply click the button for the weapon that you want. When it loads up, click the screen to activate it. When finished, click the screen again to deactivate it and return to the main screen. It's that simple!
Download All In One Weapons and never be without a full arsenal again!
* 10 weapons to choose from
* Extremely easy to use
* Expanded phone model support coming soon!