Tag: Weibo Sina BlackBerry 10
Overview :
Sina Weibo updata to v1.1.0.6 for blackberry 10
Sina Weibo, an informal mini-blog product, is a new expression to Web2.0. It is a latest Internet service that publishes information instantly. It is also recognized as the user-active communication media.
Weibo, innovated by Sina Corporation (NASDAQ: SINA), is the new inter-active application that will be widely used, fast spread and it surely will be distinguished to the world.
SINA Corporation (Nasdaq: SINA) Web Site Support
Supported Devices:
BlackBerry Classic
BlackBerry Leap
BlackBerry Passport
BlackBerry Passport Silver Edition
BlackBerry Q10
BlackBerry Q5
BlackBerry Z10
BlackBerry Z3
BlackBerry Z30
Porsche Design P9982
Porsche Design P9983