Tag: Pocketinform
Overview :
change log:- New Alarms code totally rewritten that should improve performance and abilities
- Toodledo sync code migrated to API 2.0
- New touchscreen code which does not require changing permissions for PI to work on touchscreen devices
- Toolbars configuration for all main views added
- Option added to hide future tasks (1/2/3/6 months in the future)
- Lockup on PI launch fixed
- Multiple categories assigned to an item sync with BB fixed
- Scrolling to the next week doen not work when week numbers are displayed in Month View fixed
- Project, Context and Recurrence controls rewritten for touch screen devices
- Icon alignment fixed for all icon-controls in task/event/contact editing dialogs on touch screen devices
- Recurrence logic displays as button in task view dialog fixed
- Touch-friendly icon and color picker implemented, task/event/contact/category edit dialogs updated
- Label vertical alignment fixed in icon/color selection dialogs
- Date/alarm entry dialog made more touch-friendly (lable made focusable for touch-screen devices and pushing on it enables/disables date field)
- New line cannot be inserted in notes field fixed
- "Select Date" dialog rewritten to avoid putting date selection control in header (caused problems on different color themes)
- Search on Enter button push does not work in search view fixed
- Toggle option added to menu on touch screen devices if it is desabled in current view's toolbar
- Toggle view menu command added also for non-touchscreen devices
- Focus set automatically to search field in Search View when this view is opened
- New view mode selector (for touchscreen devices) is opened on Toggle View menu command (if configured in Options)
- Exception handling improved on saving data to device during direct sync to Outlook
- BBOS 7 compatibility added
- Beta mode removed
- Closing task/event view dialogs after move added
- Syncing Toodledo alarms fixed
- Hide future tasks functionality hides today tasks fixed
- Alert database updates moved to background thread (to fix a problem with alarm engine crashing)
- Clicking month view day cell opens event on Torch (should open day view) fixed
- Clicking month day cell opens the day selected before, not the one clicked fixed
- Authentication key inspiration during Toodledo sync (when syncing the same account on multiple devices) fixed