Tag: VeryBusy
Overview :
VeryBusy for blackberry apps
You’re enjoying a night out. You’re in the middle of an important business presentation, or you’re with your family when your BlackBerry® rings Now what?
Used to be you had two choices: take the call or ignore it. With BlackBerry VeryBusy from MediaCanvas, you now have more options. No more leaving an important client hanging on the line. No more hurt feelings of "being ignored."
With MediaCanvas’ VeryBusy, you’re in touch with a click.
With VeryBusy, respond to an incoming call you choose to ignore, or miss, using a return SMS, with a single click or automatically.
Customize your texts and send them. No thumbing during that big meeting.
Create special text messages: "I’m at the concert ." "I’m in a meeting." "I’ll get back to you ASAP!"
With VeryBusy the pressure is off. With a simple click let callers know they got through. Let them know why you’re tied up. Let them know you’ll get back to them as soon as you can.
No need to stop what you’re doing. You’ll get back later.
Like all MediaCanvas applications, VeryBusy is a breeze to configure, a snap to personalize and a pleasure to deploy.
Blackberry 72XX Series (240*160) Devices Models: 7200, 7210, 7230, 7250, 7270, 7280, 7290, 7510, 7520, 6510/Blackberry 71XX Series (240*260) Devices Models: 7100, 7110t, 7105t, 7100r, 7100v, 7100g, 7100x, 7100i, 7130e, 7130c, 7130g, 7130v/Blackberry 81XX Series (240*260) Pearl Devices Models: 8100, 8110, 8120, 8130/Blackberry 82XX Series (240x320) Pearl Flip Devices Models: 8200, 8220, 8230/Blackberry 8350i (320*240) Related Devices Model: 8500, 8520, 8530/Blackberry 83XX Series (320*240) Curve Devices Models: 8300, 8310, 8320, 8330 / Blackberry 87XX Series (320*240) Devices Models: 8700c, 8700r, 8700f, 8700g, 8703e, 8707, 8707g, 8707v .etc /Blackberry 88XX Series (320*240) Devices Models: 8800, 8820, 8830 .etc /Blackberry 89XX Curve Series (480*360): 8900(Javelin), 8910(Atlas), 8950/Blackberry 90XX Bold (Onyx) Series (480*320) Devices Models: 9000, 9020(Onyx)/Blackberry 96XX Tour (Niagara) Series (480*360):9600, 9630, 9650(Tour2), 9700(Bold2) /Blackberry 95XX Storm Series (360*480):9500, 9510, 9520, 9530, 9550(Storm2)/Blackberry Pearl 3G Series (360*400) Devices Models: 9100, 9105