Tag: Tools Fixmo
Overview :
Fixmo Tools for best free blackberry apps
Fixmo Tools is like a utility belt for your smartphone, conveniently packaged to give you an essential set of tools in one simple download. Backed by world class support, experienced mobile developers, and a continuous flow of new utilities, Fixmo Tools is a must have smartphone application.
New applications in Version 1.1:
o MeetMe, an app that enables you to easily arrange a meeting by automatically selecting available times on your calendar and inserting them into an email.
o Speedtest which measures the download and upload speeds of your network.
o Call Indicator, a utility that allows you to set a different LED color for phone calls so you can easily distinguish them from other message alerts.
o OneLastCall, which provides a way to enable radio support when your battery level is very low. OneLastCall is available only for OS versions before 5.0.
Along with the original 1.0 applications:
Undelete is your phone’s “recycling bin.” You can retrieve deleted email, PIN messages, calendar events, tasks, and memos.
Flame Retardant helps you save face. It warns if you’re about to:
• Reply All to a message on which you were BCC’d
• Use potentially inappropriate content, such as profanities or excessive punctuation and capitalization
• Add unintended recipients. Keep clients and friends off of those internal business emails!
Silencer watches your calendar and completely silences during scheduled events.
Forward/Reply with Edit lets you edit the original message when you reply or forward it and is integrated seamlessly into the existing email menu.
Battery Watch monitors power usage and warns you when your battery reaches low levels.
Memory Monitor tracks detailed memory stats and gives you an insight into your phone’s performance across both RAM and Device Memory.
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