Tag: 9700 apps PhoneBill
Overview :
Blackberry 89XX Curve Series (480*360): 8900(Javelin), 8910(Atlas)/Blackberry 90XX Bold (Onyx) Series (480*320) Devices Models: 9000, 9020(Onyx)/Blackberry 95XX Storm Series (360*480): 9500, 9510, 9520, 9530, 9550(Storm2)/Blackberry 96XX Tour (Niagara) Series (480*360): 9600, 9630 Niagara, 9700
Save a lot of money. No more phonebill surprises, and progress shown on your home screen! (The only appto do this, so you can forget about opening the app and working outyour average progress. This makes it much more valuable in my view). Areal-time colour-coded icon tells you how quickly you are spending onphone calls and SMSs- regrettably Australia only as yet (or if anywhereelse uses dollars or simple minutes, and has no rollover etc).
PhoneBill helps to keep you from going over your monthly mobile phone allowance by informing you of your spending in real time.
PhoneBill(PB) works mainly through a colour-coded icon which tells you howquickly you are spending money on phone calls and text messages,compared to your average allowance per day.
If you are spendingwell within your means, the icon is green. Under, and it is yellow.Just under, and it is orange. If you are spending too quickly, it turnsred. If you are approaching your monthly allowance, the dollar signbecomes an exclamation mark, and if you go over, it becomes an X.
PB has an optional message after each call telling you what you spent for that call.
Whenyou press the Blackberry button or roll over the icon(see bluefootnote), PB can also show you your remaining allowance for the monthand the days remaining until your billing cycle ends (instead of theapp name, you see your dynamic ‘status’).
And at the end of your monthly billing cycle, PB informs you of your spending for the month.
PB has most but not all plan features used in Australia.
PhoneBill’sfeatures only work properly in Australia at this stage, and it is onlytested on 4.6+ (recent) Blackberries. I greatly regret this, but itneeds to be rolled out in stages.
Why pay this price Myesteemed competitor is much cheaper (way too cheap in my view). Becausewith PhoneBill, you don't have to remember to open the app every fewdays, and you don't have to work out your average spend each time. Itwould be easy after awhile to forget to open the competing app, andwhen you open it, you have to work out your average situation eachtime. With PhoneBill, you just glance at the icon after a call! It isdynamic and the colour and the ! symbol tell you everything in thatglance. The colour tells you your average daily spend compared to youraverage daily allowance. You shouldn't get any surprise bills, and ifwhen your cellphone contract ends you can change to a cheaper plan, youshould be able to save money every month. You should benefitindefinitely from one purchase. The price of PhoneBill may go up later.
PLEASE VISIT THE WEBSITE SHOWN AT THE END OF THE SETTINGS SCREEN, ANDREAD THE DOCS FULLY. There is a forum there which I will check firstfor questions. Please ask questions there if they haven't already beenasked, and email if you don't get a reply. Thanks a lot.
PB supports several different plan features, including
a. Two allowances, a general one, and one for ‘friends’
b. Free calls or free for X minutes calls
c. Voice mail charging at different rates
d. Free calls after Xpm or on weekends
e.Allowances in minutes or in dollars (American folks, it still doesn’twork in the US - we use minutes too Down Under, but not rollover orpaying for incoming calls)
PB unfortunately does not yet support
1. Rollover of unused minutes
2. Paying for incoming calls
3. A separate minutes allowance for eveningsweekends (although it does a separate one for friends)
If you want these, say so on the forums, thankyou!
Minimum Requirements
BlackBerry OS 4.6+
Display Dimensions
240x320, 320x240, 360x480, 480x320, 480x360
Operating System
4.6, 4.7 Touch Screen, 5.0 Non-Touch, 5.0 Touch Screen