Tag: 9500 games Computer Velo
Overview :
Velo Computer 6L for 9500 games
Blackberry 95XX Storm Series (360*480):9500, 9510, 9520, 9530,9550(Storm2)
Transform your mobile phone into an advanced cycling computer with the VeloComputerTM mobile application.
All you need is a mobile phone with an accelerometer. Strap the phone onto your leg with a sports holster or just put it in a pocket of your cycling shorts. The built-in accelerometer measures your cadence. No more sensors on your crank.
VeloComputerTM tracks your current, max, average and differential speed; lap and trip distance; acceleration and altitude. All your trip data is recorded on the phone in CSV files and can be uploaded to a spreadsheet for training analysis or Google Earth for tracking.