Tag: FishLoader
Overview :
FishLoader v1.1.0 - Load COD and JAD ALX Maker from Our Blackberry - Fishloader allows you to take a collection of COD files and either create a .jad or force inject them onto your phone without the need to use a computer.
Version: 1.1.0
File Size: 60 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or highe
Blackberry OS 7.1 Series: P'9981, 9860, 9850, 9810, 9620, 9360, 9350, 9320, 9310, 9220, 9930, 9900, 9790 / Blackberry OS 7.0 Series: P'9981, 9860, 9850, 9810, 9380, 9360, 9350, 9930, 9900, 9790 / Blackberry OS 6.0 Series: 9800, 9670, 9105, 9100, 9330, 9300, 9780, 9700, 9650 / Blackberry OS 5.0 Series: 9630, 9800, 9530, 9500, 9550, 9520, 9105, 9100, 9330, 9300, 8980, 8900, 8530, 8520, 8350i, 8330, 9700, 9650, 9000
Here you choose the name of your .jad file and select the directory that all your cods are in. Once you choose the directory continue to “add COD modules”. Once you have chosen the files you have a choice to either Build package or to Force-Load. What’s the difference you may ask. When you build a package, it takes all your COD files and creates a jad in the same directory as your COD’s so you can load this “package” at any time. If you force load it will load the files to your phone right then and not create a jad.