Tag: Pocket Informant
Overview :
Pocket Informant v2.51 for bb bold apps
Required Device Software
4.2.0 or higher
Pocket Informant is designed as the most usable and powerful Calendar, Task, Contacts management software for your BlackBerry®. Pocket Informant is the only full featured Personal Information Manager for the BlackBerry that provides an Agenda, Day, Week, and Month Views alongside powerful Task and Contact views. Journal your appointments, tasks, or contacts to store more detailed notes about each encounter or for time billing purposes. Assign category colors and icons so you can more easily see your appointments, tasks and contacts and see what you're doing this month. The BlackBerry is the pinnacle of mobile productivity and we focus on that with Pocket Informant for the BlackBerry®!
Sync with the local BlackBerry OS, Toodledo, or Microsoft Outlook over USB
Get more information about the features including the Desktop Sync component here:
Designed for the BlackBerry
For many users the availability of Pocket Informant on the BlackBerry platform is a major reason to use the BlackBerry and its because Pocket Informant is the best known and best selling PIM on Windows Mobile since 2000! But we didn't just come and port it to the BlackBerry and say we're done; instead we looked hard at what BlackBerry users wanted in a full featured PIM and how they used their devices. Pocket Informant for BlackBerry is the culmination of hundreds of users and thousands of man-hours of design, engineering, and leadership in the mobile PIM market. We are excited to finally bring this to you!