Tag: 9800 apps Bat Torch apps My BB
Overview :
My BB Bat v1.4 for blackberry apps
Blackberry 8350i (320*240) Related Devices Model: 8500, 8520, 8530, 9300(Kepler), 9330/Blackberry 89XX Curve Series (480*360): 8900(Javelin), 8910(Atlas), 8930, 8950, 8980/Blackberry 90XX Bold (Onyx) Series (480*320) Devices Models: 9000, 9020(Onyx)/Blackberry 96XX Tour (Niagara) Series (480*360):9600, 9630, 9650(Tour2), 9700(Bold2), 9780, Dakota, Apollo /Blackberry 95XX Storm Series (360*480):9500, 9510, 9520, 9530, 9550(Storm2), 9570(Storm3), 9800(Torch), 9810/9850/9860(Torch2)/Blackberry Pearl 3G Series (360*400) Devices Models: 9100, 9105, 9670(Style)/Blackberry 99XX (OS 7.0) Series (640*480) Devices Models: 9900, 9930
My BB Bat - A free app that indicates estimated battery residual time.
A great deal of BlackBerry owners pay close attention to certain information about their devices such as memory usage, battery temperature, battery percentage and so on. I've never really been one to micromanage my device in that way, maybe because I've never really had a problem with memory drainage or anything like that. The one thing I do have an issue with now that I am using the BlackBerry Torch is battery life! I can't make it through a day without needing to charge midway through. In the CrackBerry app store today I found a free application that may help me more accurately judge how much battery life I have left on my device.
My BB Bat is a small app (40.3k) by nisido that monitors your battery and tells you at a glance some quick information about its status. After installation, device reboot, or battery charging, the app calculates the residual level of your battery, or how much time you have left before your battery is empty. As your battery level decreases, the app recalculates the residual level to the nearest 10%, and reflects that amount with an indicator on your home screen. So for example, if the app shows that you have 1 hour and 45 minutes of battery life left, the indicator would show a 2 on your home screen. Personally, I like that it shows actual time left as opposed to a percentage because I don't have to try and calculate how long that percent might last me.
The app requires no set up or interaction from the user. You install it, wait a few minutes for it to gather information and calculate your stats, and that's it! Other information that My BB Bat shows includes battery status, level (as a percentage), temperature, voltage, and uptime. Best of all, it's free!