Tag: Guitar Chords
Overview :
Do you believe it is easy to play the guitar on BlackBerry mobile phones? This software make it possible. It displays and organizes more than 1300 guitar chord fingering chart. Friends who like playing the guitar would download this software rather than sit in front of the computer searching for the guitar chords. With this software, no matter where you are, it can bring your BlackBerry an improvisation concert. Come on! The interface is easy to use.
* Chords list
* C, Db / C, D, Eb / D, E, F, Gb / F, G, Ab / G, A, Bb / A, B
* This is an absolutely perfect application. Download this program immediately!
Minimum requirements:
* OS 4.2 +, trackball or touch screen devices.
Target OS:
4.2,4.3,4.5,4.6,4.7 non-touch, 4.7 touch screen, 5.0 non-touch, 5.0 touch screen
Blackberry 82XX Series (240x320) Pearl Flip Devices Models: 8200, 8220, 8230/Blackberry 8350i (320*240) Related Devices Model: 8500, 8520, 8530/Blackberry 83XX Series (320*240) Curve Devices Models: 8300, 8310, 8320, 8330 / Blackberry 87XX Series (320*240) Devices Models: 8700c, 8700r, 8700f, 8700g, 8703e, 8707, 8707g, 8707v .etc /Blackberry 88XX Series (320*240) Devices Models: 8800, 8820, 8830 .etc /Blackberry 89XX Curve Series (480*360): 8900(Javelin), 8910(Atlas)/Blackberry 90XX Bold (Onyx) Series (480*320) Devices Models: 9000, 9020(Onyx)/Blackberry 96XX Tour (Niagara) Series (480*360):9600, 9630, 9650(Tour2), 9700(Bold2) /Blackberry 95XX Storm Series (360*480):9500, 9510, 9520, 9530, 9550(Storm2)/Blackberry Pearl 3G Series (360*400) Devices Models: 9100, 9105