Tag: curve apps Astrology Horoscope
Overview :
Astrology & Horoscope Pro 2010 v1.5
A professional program that uses astrology to advise you. Learn about matchmaking by astrological sign, your 2010 horoscope, detailed zodiac sign analysis and numerology.
Astrology & Horoscope Pro is a program that uses astrology to advice you about matchmaking by sign, your 2010 horoscope, detailed zodiac sign analysis and numerology by your birthdate/birthday.
Matchmaker by Sign:
The stars can provide insight about ourselves, including how, when, and with whom we are most likely to fall in love. Of course, astrology is not destiny, so while the one you love may not be a "classic" match for you in astrological terms, that doesn't mean all is lost. By understanding the universal forces that attract you to your lover, you can learn how to make any relationship work, and better understand yourself in the process.
Horoscopes 2010:
What's in the stars for you in 2010? Astrology & Horoscope Pro has the scoop on everything from professional developments to romantic interludes to the general trends of your life! Find out when you should ask for that raise, lift your ban on blind dates or start planning for a visit to faraway lands.
Zodiac Signs:
Welcome to the fascinating world of astrology and horoscopes! For years, decades and centuries human-kind has turned to the heavens for answers and guidance in life! This program area covers all the details of your sign: love, health, likes/dislikes, problems/solutions, planet ruling, your animal, color of choice, starstone, famous individuals with your sign, etc.
Numerology 2010:
Numerology is a key to your inner self. All numbers based on your date of birth reflect influences and events related to the momentum of your life. Think of their effect on your life as similar to the weather and the landscape you travel through - the path of Your life. The most important number in your chart - the Life Path number - is based on your date of birth. And yet, the power of these numbers is felt as almost "external" - most of them affect you only for periods in your life (cycles) or are overcome after you reach a certain age (Challenges).
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