Tag: storm apps ActivityLog
Overview :
free ActivityLog 95xx Storm Series apps
Activity Log Classic 4 is a major release with a lot of feature (major feature of Pro edition are now available in Classic edition). The app is totally revamped. Some of the features are:
Activity Buttons can be size in multiple sizes i.e. they are zoomable.
You can have your own icons with you own activity name, icons can be added anywhere from the web by giving their URLs.
Activity Buttons' name is separated out under them for better visibility.
In non touch devices activity buttons names come in big size at the bottom center of screen.
Activity Buttons can be move around on any page in the app or within a page.
New attractive icons are used.
Tool bars are used to make the app easy and more intuitive.
Two letter short cut keys can be define for each button, which then can be activated via Alt + XX (where X = one key)
*** Original Description
Ever wonder where all of your time is going? How much time you are actually putting in your job task and where else you are putting time with it? Ever wonder how much time do you spend reading jokes, comics, news and junk email? Ever wonder what are the actual time eater activities that are part of your every day activities?
Activity Log on BlackBerry® will take you out of all these surprises and bring a clear picture in front of you. It will tell you how you spent your days, your weeks, your months and your years. And all this (in most of the cases) without typing anything. Just touch or press a button on your screen on Storm or click that button on your Bold or Curve and here you go …. the activity and its start time is logged!!!
Blackberry 95XX Storm Series (360*480):9500, 9510, 9520, 9530, 9550(Storm2), 9570(Storm3), 9800(Torch), Torch2