Tag: Meeting Fuze
Overview :
free Fuze Meeting v3.3 for curve apps download
Fuze Meeting brings the office to your BlackBerry! Enjoy online meetings in high resolution, absolutely free. That’s 100% less than what our “competitors” charge. Host and attend web conferences, view multimedia content in real time, chat with co-workers and friends – the Fuze Meeting app lets you do it all with enterprise-grade security.
Here are a few of the cool things you can do with your shiny new Fuze Meeting app:
• Share exactly what you’re looking at on your desktop, in perfect synchronization, with other participants in crystal-clear, crisp, crunchy high-resolution goodness. Videos, images, whatever.
• Host web or audio conferences from your phone with full presenter controls. You can also “fetch” missing attendees whenever you need them with just a click. If you’re running late or can’t make a meeting, just pass presenter rights to another attendee.
• Schedule meetings and perform other meeting management tasks, such as accepting or rejecting attendee requests. Like say that worm, Paul from accounting tries to sneak into your meeting… DENIED!
• Securely access and chat with all your IM contacts through one integrated list. Microsoft OCS, AIM, Yahoo!, MSN, GoogleTalk – you can chat with them all. Even during meetings.
• Just so you know! Fuze Meeting is the only free app that offers Microsoft OCS capability for the iPhone .
• Integrated daily demo – you can now drop in to a live demonstration with a single click between the hours of 7AM to 3PM Pacific Time (UTC -7) Monday through Friday.
You can use your free Fuze Meeting account from your Mac or PC, too!
Please note: Our Android app is brand spanking new and has more limited functionality than our iPhone and BlackBerry apps. For now, the Android is an attendee only experience.
Also note, Verizon and Sprint customers cannot support simultaneous voice and data yet. When you join a Fuze Meeting you will be asked if you want to be automatically dialed into the conference bridge. In order to participate in the conference call, Verizon and Sprint customers will need to enable WiFi.
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