Tag: SixTools
Overview :
free blackberry apps : SixTools v1.0.22
SixTools offers a variety of feature to enhance your OS6 experience. From adding extra convenience keys to your media keys to a battery indicator.
Shortcuts – Assign applications to your Volume and Mute/Play keys , like having 3 extra convenience keys! Volume key shortcuts will be automatically disabled when a media player is running as to not conflict.
Start-Up Video – That short little intro clip that plays the first time you power up after an OS update, its a great way to notify you that your device has finished starting up
Holster Sounds – Have a sound effect play when you put your device in a holster or take it out
Battery Indicator – The OS 6 battery indicator can be horribly inaccurate, you can choose from 2 styles, precision which matches the default theme or modern. It will display this icon with battery level in your notification area.
Low Battery Alert – Alerts you when your battery drops below a certain level (configurable).
USB Connected – That annoying little pop-up that shows up every time you plug your USB cable in, now you can have it auto dismiss. You'll get 5 seconds before it disappears in case you want to click one of the options
Status – Quick one touch way to get all vital stats about your device on one screen, with access to your event log and network diagnostics
Slider Sounds (Torch only) – Have a sound effect play when you open and close your slider
Portrait Lock Home Screen (Torch only)– You can set this to auto-lock the home screen or do a manual lock/unlock at any time in the app
Orientation Lock (Torch only) – Can be added to system wide menu to lock an application to either landscape or portrait.
Minimum Requirements:
OS 6
Display Dimensions
240x320, 320x240, 360x400, 360x480, 480x360
Operating System
6.0 Non-Touch, 6.0 Touch Screen
Blackberry 9300(Kepler), 9330/Blackberry 8930, 8950, 8980/Blackberry 9630, 9650(Tour2), 9700(Bold2), 9780 /Blackberry 9570(Storm3), 9800(Torch)/Blackberry Pearl 3G Series (360*400) Devices Models: 9100, 9105, 9670(Style)