Tag: WordSearch
Overview :
WordSearch 82,83,87,88 apps
Enjoy endless fun with this classic word game that never gets boring! WordSearch generates new puzzles on the fly meaning that every game will always be a new one. It has a library of 2700 words split up into 15 different categories ranging from adjectives to nature to computers. The game offers four different board sizes to appeal to all difficulty levels.
The graphical interface is fun to look at and play with. Finding a word is as easy as tracing your finger across the letters that make up the word. If the word is correct, the drawn path will remain, and the word will get grayed out of the word list. Are you ready to start searching?
Infinite number of puzzles
Library of over 2700 words split into 15 different categories
4 different puzzle sizes (8x8, 10x10, 12x12, 15x15)
Easy to use graphical interface
Tons of fun!
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