Tag: Google BB10 apps Reader gNewsReader
Overview :
Google Reader alternative software: gNewsReader - gNewsReader is Google Reader, Feedly client for BlackBerry® 10 smartphones
File Size: 319 KB
Required Device Software BB10 Smartphone: 10.0.0 or higher

Currently available features as follows
- Browse by folder/subscription or tags with unread count display
- Auto read status sync in feed detail page
- Unread only browsing mode to quickly browse only unread items
- Swipe between articles in Feed Article Details screen
- Automatic Image resize to minimize horizontal scrolling
- Option to turn off image loading in article view
- Readability Mobilizer support
Full feed management features (Coming soon)
- Subscribe to new feeds by adding URL's or searching using Google Feed Search
- Starring of article.
- Management of subscriptions and Folders
Sharing is supported in popular social networks and offline read services.
- Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, BBM (using BlackBerry® 10 sharing)
- Pocket, Instapaper and Readability