Tag: Jsdjradio
Overview :
Jsdjradio v3.8.10 for blackberry apps
First webradio clubbing in Challans. Jsdjradio is the best of its hits & club non stop. Http://www.jsdjradio.fr This application is the official, exclusive application for Jsdjradio under an agreement between Jsdjradio and Nobex Technologies.Js Dj Radio - Première webradio clubbing à Challans. Jsdjradio c'est le meilleur du son hits & club non stop. http://www.jsdjradio.fr - Js Dj Radio
Supported Devices:
8330 8350i 8520 8530 8900 8980 9100
9105 9220 9300 9310 9320 9330 9350
9360 9370 9380 9520 9550 9630 9650
9670 9700 9780 9788 9790 9800 9810
9850 9860 9900 9930 9981
BlackBerry Passport
BlackBerry Q10
BlackBerry Q5
BlackBerry Z10
BlackBerry Z30
Porsche Design P9982